
Friday, March 25, 2011

Good Morning. How may I help?

This week I have had to make numerous telephone calls to local companies. They were all business calls to companies offering services to the SME sector. It was a frustrating exercise, not because no-one answered the phone, but due to the fact that I was given the impression that my call was completely unimportant.

I could have been an important potential client or someone offering the dream, money-making system but my needs were completely irrelevant to most of the people answering my call. No cheery, "Good Morning, XYZ Company, how may I help?", no "I am sorry Mr A is busy at present but I will get him to call you as soon as he is off the phone".

Hardly anyone took my name, telephone number, and email address or asked the reason for my call. I know we are all busy but if I were an existing client I would have been appauled. Customer relationship management isn't just a computer system, it is every interaction a company has with their client or potential client.

So, if you are unsure of how your telephones are being answered, give your office a call. Owner-managed businesses have to use mobiles to remain in touch and to keep costs down but larger companies have a duty to train their staff to present the company in the best possible light at all times - even on the phone.

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